Welcome to Australian Church Women
For all membership enquiries, please contact Margaret Ker: margaretker48@gmail.com
When evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and Jesus was alone on the land.
When they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind, Jesus came towards
them early in the morning, walking on the sea. He intended to pass them by. But
when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and cried out; for
they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said,
“Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”
Then he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased.
Mark 6:47–50 (NRSV)
The current theme of the National Committee of Australian Church Women Inc:
'Be Not Afraid'

'Be Not Afraid'
Welcome to the National Australian Church Women Inc. website at www.acw.org.au (ABN 68 539 329 715)
Australian Church Women provides opportunities to support and interact with Christian women from other local, national and international fellowships through guest speakers, Special Days, the Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship, the Fellowship of the Least Coin, the Asian Church Women’s Conference, and various projects.
For all membership enquiries, please contact Margaret Ker: margaretker48@gmail.com
Australian Church Women Inc. wishes to acknowledge that all images of the State Floral Emblems portrayed on this website are the copyright of the Australian National Botanic Gardens. See their home page for conditions of use at www.anbg.gov.au
Pause for Thought Series
March Plant of the Month
is now available
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
Psalm 92:12 (NIV)

The Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship for 2026 will be awarded to a Christian woman who is a resident of a member country of the Asian Church Women's Conference (ACWC).
Applications close on 31 May 2025
Application information is available HERE
Any queries regarding the Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship should be directed to the Chairperson of the Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship Trustees:
Velvy Holden