ACW National Archives

Request From the National Archivist
Our ACW National Archive has a few gaps in the records, and I’m hoping that ACW members and website visitors can help to supply the missing information.
Grateful thanks are extended to those who have already helped to find some of the missing pieces of the herstory of Australian Church Women. Please continue to share your ACW stories and memorabilia.
ACW sisters, please have a look in your Unit Archives and speak to the older and past members of your Unit. You never know what treasures you’ll be able to discover for our herstory.
Please contact me donna.bryan@salvationarmy.org.au
if you have or know the whereabouts of the items below, and please ensure you have permission to share any photos:

Updated 6 February 2023
If you have a better-quality photo of Dr Juliet Backhouse, it would be greatly appreciated if ACW could be permitted to use it on our website https://www.acw.org.au/post/international-day-of-women-girls-in-science and in our Honouring Australian Church Women book.
If you have a better-quality photo of Joyce Pope, it would be greatly appreciated if ACW could be permitted to use it on our website https://www.acw.org.au/post/100-blog-posts
If you have any photos or copies of news clippings of the ACW entries in either the 1936 or 1986 Adelaide Flower Day processions.
If anyone has a copy of ‘The Drama of The Fellowship of the Least Coin – The World Day of Prayer’, produced in 1971, or knows the whereabouts of a copy in Australia https://www.acw.org.au/post/1971-flc-and-wdp-drama
If you have or know the whereabouts of a photo of Fran Bailey, or any photos taken and reports written when the ACWC Executive Committee visited Australia in 1978.
If you have a better-quality photo of Revd Elizabeth Alfred than ACW's copy, it would be greatly appreciated if we could be permitted to use it on our blog https://www.acw.org.au/post/reverend-elizabeth-alfred
If you have a better-quality photo of Jackie Kini https://www.acw.org.au/post/another-devoted-teacher
If you have or know how to access a copy of the article on the Fellowship of the Least Coin produced for Presbyterian Life by Mrs Jean Yule https://www.acw.org.au/post/the-fellowship-of-the-least-coin
Photos of Grace Sims https://www.acw.org.au/post/she-helped-assemble-aeroplanes
1962–1965 group photos of both the first National Committee and the Interim Committee of Australian Church Women https://www.acw.org.au/post/the-beginnings-of-australian-church-women
- Any memorabilia, especially photos and reports, from the early Australian Church Women conferences (1965–1980) and the Asian Church Women’s Conferences (1958–1970).
Photos of Mrs Mabel Wyllie, the first National President of Australian Church Women.
Photos and reports from the 1986 (eighth) assembly of the Asian Church Women’s Conference.
Photos of Deaconess Catherine Ritchie https://www.acw.org.au/post/deaconess-catherine-ritchie
Any old copies of the ACWC bulletin/newsletter prior to 1999.
Photos of Dorothy Wright https://www.acw.org.au/post/every-organisation-needs-a-good-treasurer
Photos and reports from the 1982 (seventh) assembly of the Asian Church Women’s Conference.
Are you able to identify which ladies are Dianna Johnson or Bernice Mason in the photo at the top of the page at https://www.acw.org.au/post/co-workers-in-christ-for-renewal
Photos and reports from the 1978 (sixth) assembly of the Asian Church Women’s Conference.
The name of the woman on the left of our ACW banner in the photo at the top of this page at https://www.acw.org.au/post/silver-jubilee-of-the-flc
Photos and reports from the 1974 (fifth) assembly of the Asian Church Women’s Conference.
Photos of Mary Wood https://www.acw.org.au/post/mary-wood-and-the-founding-of-the-tasmanian-unit-of-acw
Photos of Eileen Dingle https://www.acw.org.au/post/eileen-dingle
Photos and reports from the 1970 (fourth) assembly of the Asian Church Women’s Conference.
Photos of Mrs Olga Badger and photos and reports from the 1966 (third) assembly of the Asian Church Women’s Conference https://www.acw.org.au/post/abide-in-me-bear-rich-fruit
Photos of Betty (Elizabeth) Ashton https://www.acw.org.au/post/international-women-s-day
Can you identify any of the Asian women in this photo at https://www.acw.org.au/post/come-see-go-quickly-and-tell
Do you have a photo of Connie Tan Kwie Hwa, of Indonesia, the first recipient of the Winifred Kiek Scholarship? https://www.acw.org.au/post/the-first-winifred-kiek-scholarship-holder
Do you know the Christian names of the following women who were members of the 1965 Working Committee of Australian Church Women? Mrs Doratis, representing the Greek Orthodox denomination, and Mrs F Stafford, representing the Churches of Christ.
Do you have a copy or know the whereabouts of a 'Pictorial History of the ACW' prepared by Mrs Joan Coates of Melbourne? Apparently, it comprised 50 colour slides and a cassette tape recording.
If you have or know the location of any early reports or original documents of the first Asian Church Women’s Conference held in 1958 in Hong Kong.