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Another devoted teacher

For 55 years some remarkable women have been awarded a Winifred Kiek Scholarship from Australian Church Women (ACW). This annual scholarship has provided opportunities for women to undertake further training to broaden and develop their experience, skills and education in their field of work. The result is that these women have made even more valuable and life-changing contributions to their communities and churches.

Jackie Kini. (Unfortunately, we do not have a better quality photo.)

The 1968/69 WKS recipient was 22-year-old Jackie Kini from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. She was a teacher and lectured at the Teachers’ Training College in Port Moresby. Prior to this appointment, after her graduation, she spent two years as a demonstration primary school teacher for the Training College.

Jackie was also a member of the United Church in Port Moresby. She applied for the Winifred Kiek Scholarship because she wanted to further her education in youth leadership to better serve the Girls’ Brigade in PNG.

From a young age, Jackie demonstrated her desire to learn and to teach others. Her potential was recognised in her early years at primary school, and she was encouraged to continue her education and pursue her choice of a career in teaching. At the end of her secondary education, she applied for and was awarded a scholarship to study for two years at the Teachers’ College in Port Moresby.

When Jackie later applied for the WKS, the United Church of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands gave her a 'hearty endorsement':

‘Miss Kini has shown outstanding leadership qualities within the Church and in the community. As an Administration school teacher she has done good work in the practical teaching field. At present she is resident at the Administration Teachers College and gives supervision and guidance to the girl trainees. She is a teacher in the United Church Sunday School at Hohola. At the Everyman’s Centre she is a leader in Girls’ Brigade, the Youth Fellowship and basketball team … We give her application hearty endorsement.’

Jackie's application was successful, and a study programme in Sydney was prepared for her.

From September to December 1968, she was to undertake an Intensive English Course in Sydney and gain further experience in schools.

January 1969, she would be occupied at camps for the Girls’ Brigade.

In the February, a trip to Melbourne was planned so she could attend the National Committee Meeting of ACW. Jackie did participate in this meeting, and she endeared herself to the members of ACW.

The remainder of February through to April was for additional Girls’ Brigade experience, this time in Adelaide.

Her return home to PNG was scheduled for mid-year 1969.

Once the arrangements were finalised, Jackie arrived in Sydney on 4 September 1969 and took up residence at Deaconess House in Newtown.

Later, Deaconess Mary Andrews ( wrote about Jackie’s programme and the generosity of her supporters:

‘We are grateful to Dr Dunstan Kemp, the Principal of the Sydney Teachers' College and his staff for the arrangements they made for Jackie to attend lectures at the Teachers' College in English and Mathematics Departments.

‘MR STERN, of the Commonwealth Education Department, made arrangements for Jackie to attend special English classes at the Centre.

‘MRS CARRICK AND MISS HUDDLESTON of the Girls' Life Brigade, have taken care of Jackie's clothing and living allowances, and Introduced her to Girls' Brigade work In Sydney. Jackie was attached to a Girls' Brigade at Chatswood Church of Christ, and she enjoyed the experience very much.

‘THE GIRLS' LIFE BRIGADE has given $150.00 to the Winifred Kiek Scholarship Fund.

‘We are grateful to Miss Huddleston for her personal interest in Jackie's welfare.

‘During December, January arrangements have been made for Jackie to attend a Group Life Laboratory and various Youth Camps.

‘We are grateful to all those who have arranged for Jackie's participation in these activities.

‘Jackie has addressed meetings in Maitland, the Central World Community Day In Sydney, and the Community Day Service in Lindfield, the Y.W.C.A. Dinner and other meetings.

‘Wherever she has gone she has endeared herself to the people and she is looking forward to having new experiences and making new friends In Melbourne and Adelaide.’


Convener of the Winifred Kiek Scholarship Committee.

1969 proved to be an eventful year for Jackie because after returning to PNG, she concluded the year with a visit to Manila in the Philippines. In her capacity as a lecturer in physical and health education at the Port Moresby Teachers' College, she represented PNG at the Second Regional Seminar on physical and health education. She was sponsored jointly by the World Health Organisation and the Department of Health.

At home, in her community, Jackie continued to show her leadership abilities, even standing as a candidate in the 1971 town council election, but I do not have the results of how she fared.

Jackie also advanced her training in education and leadership in the years after being awarded the Winifred Kiek Scholarship.

At the end of February 1973, Jackie and seven others from PNG arrived in Canberra to study at the Canberra College of Advanced Education until the end of the year. All but one of them were lecturers from the teachers’ colleges in PNG; the eighth was a primary school teacher. The PNG Education Department selected and sponsored their areas of study, and Jackie’s was Planning and Administration at teachers’ college level plus selected short courses for the Madang Teachers’ College.

Jackie renewed her friendship with members of ACW whilst in Canberra, and she was invited to be a guest speaker at the Australian Church Women’s annual July Fellowship Day.

She also went to New Zealand with another PNG teacher, during their vacation time in Canberra, and they organised their own educational tour.

In 1975, she travelled to the US for further study with four others from PNG; they were guests of the US Department of State. Jackie was now the Deputy Principal of the Madang Teachers’ College. Papua New Guineans had been part of this International Visitors Program since 1967, but this was the first year that women were invited because it was the International Women’s Year. If it wasn't for this significant year, I wonder how much longer women would have been sidelined from this programme.

Yes, Jackie Kini was another remarkable woman who touched the lives of Australian Church Women and the members of her church and local community through the Winifred Kiek Scholarship.

The Winifred Kiek Scholarship is supported by the offerings made at Fellowship Day in July of each year.


If you have a better-quality photo of Jackie Kini please contact me


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This Herstory Blog of Australian Church Women Inc. tells the stories of the women and activities of this national Christian organisation that was founded in February 1965.

Stories that inspired and encouraged me to begin this blog and share their inspiration with you. Stories that need to be told so that the women of ACW can be honoured and celebrated for their achievements and experiences in local, national and international communities of faith. And, most importantly, stories that demonstrate being disciples of Jesus Christ firmly underpins all that Australian Church Women represents.

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