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Another Humble Saint


‘She was not an “upfront” person, but always there behind the scenes – lending a listening ear – offering a

helping hand or a gentle word of advice.’

This is how the members of the Victorian Unit of Australian Church Women (ACW) described Doreen Strack in their tribute to her life.

Her tribute continued with:

‘Doreen was a member of the Church of Christ at Essendon, Victoria, taking an active role in all areas of Church life. Leadership of the Christian Women’s Fellowship there led to her being elected as President at both State and National level. She also had a special interest and concern for Ecumenism, and was an integral part of the Essendon Inter-Church Council. Doreen represented Churches of Christ on the Victorian Unit of Australian Church Women, and the Victorian Committee of World Day of Prayer. She held office in a number of positions on both those organisations and was honoured by being made a Life Member of each of them.

‘A very special interest for Doreen was her involvement with the Australian Church Women’s Winifred Kiek Scholarship holders. Her support of the scholars, both in their studies and personal welfare, providing accommodation, transport and a warm family environment resulted in lasting friendships being formed between the scholars and the Strack family. In all her activities, Doreen had the ready support of her husband Jim and their family. Doreen was also a keen supporter of Fellowship of the Least Coin,’ and the Asian Church Women’s Conference (ACWC). She attended the 1970 ACWC Assembly in Sukabumi, Indonesia, as a delegate with four other Australians [].

‘Doreen Strack was a much loved and respected Christian lady who lived her life in total commitment to her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ – a wonderful example and witness to her family and friends, her Church and community.

‘Doreen’s heart’s desire was to love people into God’s family!’ and her immediate family acknowledged that this was who she was in her obituary, which stated:

‘She lived her faith through her love for others.’

Even though the Vic Unit described Doreen as ‘not an “upfront” person, but always there behind the scenes’, she obviously had an impact on people as Doreen is still remembered by the older members of ACW. It is hard to believe that she was born more than one hundred years ago on 22 June 1916.

After her death on 19 December 1999, her ACW friends concluded their tribute with these words:

‘We pay tribute to this special lady and give thanks to God for her life here among us.’


Australian Church Women Memorial Bursary Book.




This Herstory Blog of Australian Church Women Inc. tells the stories of the women and activities of this national Christian organisation that was founded in February 1965.

Stories that inspired and encouraged me to begin this blog and share their inspiration with you. Stories that need to be told so that the women of ACW can be honoured and celebrated for their achievements and experiences in local, national and international communities of faith. And, most importantly, stories that demonstrate being disciples of Jesus Christ firmly underpins all that Australian Church Women represents.

Our Aim/Objectives

Australian Church Women Inc. seeks to unite Christian women across denominational boundaries and to promote peace, understanding and unity through faith and love in one God –Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



Western Australia

Associate Members across



National President
Jackie Barnwell OAM

National Secretary
Margaret Ker


National Website Manager
Major Donna Bryan

© 2007–2025 Australian Church Women Inc.

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