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The Fellowship of the Least Coin

The Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) is a worldwide ecumenical movement of prayer for peace, justice and reconciliation. Through this movement, Christian women around the world seek fellowship with each other and are reminded to live a reconciling and forgiving life with others.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the response from Australia to the Fellowship of the Least Coin prayer movement was very favourable. Here is an extract of the 1970 FLC report from the National Committee Minutes, and you can see for yourself how the members of Australian Church Women (ACW) embraced the FLC.

1970 REPORT ON FELLOWSHIP OF THE LEAST COIN ‘I am pleased to report continued interest in the Fellowship of the Least Coin throughout Australia. This can be attributed to the enthusiastic promotional activities of all State Fellowship of the Least Coin Conveners. Throughout 1969 a continual stream of literature and information has been flowing out to all interested women.

‘The leaflet "Gifts of Prayer" containing lists of projects allocated between 1958 – 1968 has been readily received. There has been 5,000 extra copies of this leaflet printed and they await distribution. Some copies have been sent to New Zealand.

‘"Circle of Prayer" Volume III has still been used extensively — altogether 2,530 copies have been distributed in Australia. Some ladies’ groups use this as a study booklet. Bendigo, Victoria, is particularly noteworthy where 200 copies are in use, another group calling themselves Fellowship of the Least Coin meet regularly for study of booklet and prayer.

‘Volume IV is now in the process of production and should be available In Australia by mid-year 1970. The theme being “Who Is my neighbour?” — the 24 contributors are from different countries and it promises to be a wonderful booklet.

‘During the year, much publicity was given to Fellowship of the Least Coin by an article which appeared in Presbyterian Life written by Mrs Jean Yule. Many enquiries and consequent participants resulted.

‘The Chairman of the Asian Church Women’s Conference — Mrs Rathie Selvaratnam — has been busily engaged in promotional and administrative work of Fellowship of the Least Coin — travelling to and keeping in touch with many countries during 1969. She now reports that 50 countries are actually affiliated with Fellowship of the Least Coin.

Allocations to Australia for 1969 were $1,000 (US) for: 1. Lay Training Institute in Papua New Guinea 2. Marriage Guidance Institute. Invitation to a Ceylonese to pursue study of subject In Australia.

‘Allocation for 1970: Prahran Methodist Mission and Christian Community Centre.’




Many of the Presbyterian women and groups who supported the FLC continued their support when most of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregationalist Churches united to form the Uniting Church in Australia denomination in 1977. This meant that even more women were made aware of the Fellowship of the Least Coin, and many of these women and groups are still participating in the FLC prayer movement.

Each year, the administration of the FLC publishes their Messages & Reports booklet to share what they are doing and to be accountable to their many members. The 2020 booklet can be read and downloaded at



If you have or know how to access a copy of the article on the Fellowship of the Least Coin produced for Presbyterian Life by Mrs Jean Yule please contact me at


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This Herstory Blog of Australian Church Women Inc. tells the stories of the women and activities of this national Christian organisation that was founded in February 1965.

Stories that inspired and encouraged me to begin this blog and share their inspiration with you. Stories that need to be told so that the women of ACW can be honoured and celebrated for their achievements and experiences in local, national and international communities of faith. And, most importantly, stories that demonstrate being disciples of Jesus Christ firmly underpins all that Australian Church Women represents.

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