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Australian Church Women - SA

We are a small but very active group of Christian women currently drawn from the Anglican, Catholic, Churches of Christ, The Salvation Army, and Uniting Church denominations. Lutheran Women are associate members of the Unit (ABN 29 189 857 367)


We welcome Christian women from all denominations as Associate Members.

We meet in March, May, July, September and November in the Pilgrim Uniting Church in central Adelaide, and we are always delighted to welcome visitors at our meetings. In the other months between February and December, we hold a business meeting for our State Executive and denominational liaison officers.


Our Unit was founded in 1936 as the Women’s United Church Association when women from the various Women’s Inter-Church Councils combined to be involved in the state’s Centenary celebrations with a representative float in the Floral Festival and Pageant. The women involved in the presentation so enjoyed the experience and each other’s company that they decided to continue to work together, and hold an annual function. This was the beginning of a series of fundraising functions, known originally as 'Musical-At-Home' and held for many years in the Adelaide Town Hall, which continued until November 2019 and in more recent years were recognised as Community Concern Events.


In 1963 the Association became the affiliating body through which the newly established Interim Committee of Australian Church Women could work. In 1967 the name of the association was changed to Women’s Inter-Church Council of SA – it took us until 1974 to gain our title of Australian Church Women South Australian Unit.


In 1986 the organisation celebrated both the state Sesqui-Centenary and our Golden Jubilee, with the production of the first Commemorative Book celebrating the lives of Christian women in the state. This book, containing some 285 entries and beautifully leather-bound, is kept in the Mortlock Library – two copies have been made for use within the organisation.


1986 is also marked with the setting up of the South Australian Church Women’s Jubilee 150 Trust. The Trust, administered by trustees, provides funds (from the interest earned on investments) for scholarships for disadvantaged women to enable them to achieve their goals to improve their personal skills and self-development through the provision of courses, resources or equipment. Applicants are sponsored by a Christian organisation or individual, who is required to provide on-going support for the women receiving the awards.


South Australia has been privileged to provide the National Executive and to host the National Conference on several occasions, most recently from 2009 to 2011.


We actively and annually support both Fellowship Day and World Community Day, holding services in Adelaide.


We also very seriously accept our responsibility to send delegates to other organisations so that the voice of Christian women may be heard as widely as possible as we seek to bring to our world Christ's message of goodness, peace, justice and love.


SA Unit Secretary and

Website Manager
Mrs Aileen Eldridge

6 Kennett Street
Para Hills SA 5096


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