Following a major restructure of Australian Church Women Inc., the former Winifred Kiek Scholarship will now be known as the Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship and will be overseen by a group of five women Trustees sourced from across the denominations.
South Australia was the home state of Winifred Kiek, and the Trustees of the Scholarship reside in South Australia. Australian Church Women will support and promote this new scholarship.
The scholarship is awarded annually and provides opportunity for the successful applicant to:
further her theological training or
attend a conference or study program that supports her work in her church or community or
use the funds to develop and support a designated educational or charitable project for women.
The Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship for 2026 will be awarded to a Christian woman who is a resident of a member country of the Asian Church Women's Conference (ACWC).
Applications close on 31 May 2025
Application information can be downloaded HERE
Any queries regarding the Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship should be directed to the Chairperson of the Winifred Kiek Memorial Scholarship Trustees:
Velvy Holden
Here is a blog post that contains a report from Rev. Winifred Kiek when she attended the 3rd Assembly of the Asian Church Women's Conference in Tokyo, Japan, in 1966
In 1927, Winifred Kiek was the first woman to be ordained in Australia in the (then) Congregational Church (now Uniting
Church). Rev. Kiek was a pioneer in looking into the life and work of Australian women in the church.
Her earliest association with the Australian Council of Churches was in 1946 when she was asked to undertake a
questionnaire in Australia (also being conducted in 50 other countries) on ‘Women in the Church’, in preparation for
the World Council of Churches Assembly in Amsterdam, Holland, in 1948.
Rev. Kiek was later appointed by the Australian Council of Churches as Liaison Officer for work among women, and
in 1950 was appointed a member of the World Commission (set up in Amsterdam) on Life and Work of Women in the
Churches. This involved a great deal of correspondence and distribution of material to all states and denominations,
including all Women’s Inter-Church Councils except Tasmania.
In 1952, Rev. Kiek represented Australia at a consultation arranged by the World Council of Churches’ Commission on
Life and Work of Women in the Churches, held in Oxford, England. Winifred also worked for peace in local, state, national
and international organisations, attending many conferences around the world.
Because of her concern for women in third world countries, she was influential in the founding of the Winifred Kiek Scholarship, which has been awarded every year since 1965. Rev. Winifred Kiek was later made a Life Member of Australian Church Women.

The scholarship was inaugurated to honour the Rev. Winifred Kiek as a pioneer in fields of particular interest to church women. This scholarship is available to Christian women living in multicultural Australia, Pacific Island nations, and member countries of the Asian Church Women’s Conference; women who already have basic training in a chosen field of work.
When it was deemed more appropriate, the scholarship funds were used for designated educational or charitable projects for women through the National Council of Churches of Australia.
The offerings received at the Australian Church Women Fellowship Day Services, held throughout Australia in July each year, were invested and the interest used to finance the scholarship. Additional donations were encouraged and could be made at any time to the Winifred Kiek Scholarship fund through the ACW Units or the National Executive.
The trustees of the Scholarship, located in Adelaide, were responsible for investing the funds and acting as an advisory body to the National Executive of Australian Church Women.
[Previously known as the Memorial Bursary Book]
Nominations were invited for Christian women whose association with the work of Australian Church Women was noteworthy. Along with the submission a donation was given, and the interest earned from the invested monies was used to provide a book grant to the scholarship holders. A profile and photograph of each woman was then recorded in the Honouring Australian Church Women book held by the National Winifred Kiek Scholarship Convener.
In the past, at the discretion of the trustees and in consultation with the National Executive of Australian Church Women, funds were made available (on a predetermined basis) to invite a representative from the following bodies to attend the National Conference of Australian Church Women and visit various ACW Units under such a Fellowship:
Asian Church Women’s Conference
The Pacific Council of Churches
Past Winifred Kiek Scholars
The International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin
Church Women United Aotearoa/New Zealand
or a noted Christian woman leader.​
Connie Tan 1965 Indonesia Childcare
Sabita Swarup 1966 Fiji Secretarial
Anna Elasmi 1967 Papua New Guinea YWCA Worker
Jackie Kini (Mrs Vele) 1968/9 Papua New Guinea Girls' Brigade and Teaching
Veronica Kafa (Mrs Loe) 1970 Solomon Islands Teaching
Violet Sampa (Mrs Bredt) 1971 Zambia Theology
Terani Aisake (Mrs Lima) 1972 Fiji Deaconess
Kalpana Airan 1973 India Teaching
Myung-Rae Song 1974 Korea (could not participate, unable to obtain a visa)
Mrs Mary Weme 1975 Kenya Welfare
Sarrah Ah You 1976 Samoa Community Development
Jennifer Yeo Suan Phoon 1977 Taiwan Evangelism
Tapati Das 1978 Bangladesh Handicrafts
Sr Barkat Kishan Dass (Deceased) 1978 Pakistan Nursing, Theology
Captain Eita Boeva 1979 Papua New Guinea Nursing, Theology
Mary Y K Au 1980 Hong Kong Religious Education
Dien Sumiyatiningsih (Nuhamara) 1980 Indonesia Pastoral Education
Malini Weerasinghe 1981 Sri Lanka Religious Education
Salaseini Kanavakaca 1982 Fiji Religious Education
Lieutenant Miriam Gehare (PTG) 1982 Papua New Guinea Typing
Byong Ok Min 1983 Korea Christian Education
Dr Sushila Rao 1984 India Bridge Programme
Valeri Palang 1985 Papua New Guinea Leadership
Rashmira Maharjan 1988 Nepal Leadership
Failoutus Tibati 1989 Kiribati Secretarial
Doreen Tie Chin Bing (Tan) 1990 Sarawak Teaching Disabled
A Rachel Sobana (Kanly) 1991 South India Nursing
Ana Taumoepeau 1992 Tonga Computer Studies
Malai Mahamaneerat 1993 Thailand Grief Counselling
Nighat Gulzar 1994 Pakistan Office Management
Mrs Captain Lily Politini 1995 Fiji Alcohol Education
Rachel Rolland 1995 Vanuatu Leadership
CCWA 1996 Cambodia Tailoring, weaving, literacy, English
Rachael McManus 1997 Australia Theological Education
Lieutenant Joanne Harries 1997 Australia Theological Education
Milise Taipaleti 1998 Tonga Theology
Mai Zin Zin Wah 1995 Myanmar Theology
Sue Nitrai 2000 Australia Theology
Celestial Lusi 2001 Solomon Islands Theology
Lai Mui Ching (April) 2002 Hong Kong MA On Women in Relation to Religion
Monique Crabtree 2003 Australia Religious Education
Gaye Inall 2003 Australia Deaf Education
Susan Liersch 2003 Australia Christian Counselling
Mereani Dinacika Raqeu 2004 Fiji Ministry to Women in Sex Industry
Siok Cheng Chew 2005 Malaysia Advanced Certificate Autism
Anju Borgoary 2005 India Pastoral Counselling
Vivian Cheung 2006 Australia MA Theology
Tania Eichler 2006 Australia Dip. Theology
Pastor Leinamau Manrogoana 2007 Vanuatu Evangelism
Cathy Paraka 2007 Papua New Guinea Theological Education
Imelda Aquino 2008 Philippines M.Divinity (Missions)
Christine Ferguson 2009 Australia Pastoral Theology
Inise Foiakau 2009 Australia Pastoral Theology
Ruth Marsipal 2010 Papua New Guinea Empowering Women
Tonu Fakraufon 2010 Fiji Empowering Women
Arpona Mejahary 2011 India Final Year Bachelor of Divinity
Sisarat Kheng 2011 Cambodia Evangelism
Denise Champion 2012 Australia Theological Studies
Kyounghee Cho 2012 Australia Overseas Conferences
Berebere Katauea 2013 Kiribati Bachelor of Divinity
Lou Momoru 2013 Papua New Guinea Theology
Christina Taviti 2013 Vanuatu Diploma in Theology
Verenaisi Toga 2013 Fiji Bachelor of Divinity
Seng Ja 2014 Myanmar Master of Divinity
Wasana Fernando 2014 Sri Lanka Master in Transformative Theologies of Gender
Hendriyane Anthony 2015 Australia Christian Counselling
Caryn Rogers 2015 Australia PhD Linguistics
Esline Toamavute 2016 Vanuatu International Women’s Conference
Hina Burq 2017 Pakistan Attend International Conference
All India Council of Christian Women 2017 Project for Gender Justice in India
Lauren England 2018 Australia Master of Theology
Elise Ruthenbeck 2018 Australia Archival Work for PhD
Geraldine Williame 2019 Fiji PhD studies
Hetty Widowaty 2020 Bali Master of Theology
Sandra Pawar 2021 Australia Attend Conference
Kate Johnstone 2021 Australia Christian Leadership Training
Miriam Moses 2022 PNG Master of Theology
Rev. Priti Priyadarshan Sandhagalla 2023 India Doctor of Ministry (D.Min)
​Mrs Rathi Selvaratnam 1981
Mrs Eunice Kim 1984
Mrs Rachel Matthew 1991
Mrs Annathaie Abaysekara 1991
Rev. Mary Y K Au 1993
Rev. Violet Sampa-Bredt 1993
Mrs Janice Shearer 1995
Deaconess Barkat K Dass (deceased) 1996
Rev. Iluminada Domingo 1997
Dr Esther Byu 1999
Ms Christina Wong Wai-Yin 2003
Rev Valamotu Palu 2005
Ms Shu-Wen Chiang 2007
Ms Corazon Tabing–Reyes 2009
Rev Lee, Moon Sook 2011
Esther Kilaghbian 2013
Devika Ukwatte 2015
Susan Jackson-Dowd 2017
Dr Liza Lamis 2019